Wednesday, July 18, 2012

For better health, pay Perry no mind

In the Austin American Statesman’s July 14 article For better health, pay Perry no mind, the author is addressing the expansion of Medicaid and the health insurance exchange, both provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This article is intended for all Texans of voting age, though I believe it is mostly targeted to those with health insurance and those who are for the passage of this act, as I believe that the author is trying to rally readers into supporting Obama’s policy.
Rick Perry announced that he would not expand Medicaid or set up a health insurance exchange.  At this point, it seems there are no penalties for his refusal. Last month, the Supreme Court denied the passage of a provision that would have punished any state that refuses to expand Medicaid by withholding all of the state’s Medicaid dollars. The author notes that Texas would be able to decrease the number of uninsured residents with the expansion of this program. Otherwise, the insured will bear the brunt of the cost to pay for the uninsured. Doesn’t sound fair to me and I agree with the author’s statement.
While the act would not provide universal coverage it would encourage citizens to buy insurance. Otherwise, they will be faced with a penalty. We need to look ahead and realize that paying a monthly premium will allow individuals to go to a doctor’s office when they are sick, rather than waiting until there is an emergency, which will no doubt cost more than a visit to the doctor.  And while this act will not fix all of the concerns with healthcare, it is the best solution that has been put out there so far.
I stand behind this article and believe that it came from a very credible source. I learned several new things about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as it relates to Medicaid and health insurance. His claims were backed by what I believe is valid evidence and, though his article is not objective, I do not think it was meant to be, as it is an opinion piece. I agree with what he has said and therefore believe that his article was a success. He has made a believer out of me and I now feel more confident discussing this topic with friends and colleagues.

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